Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Drug smugglers threaten Nogales police with retaliation

Drug smugglers threaten Nogales police with retaliation

Mexico asks court to reject Ariz. immigration law


Mexico's president is once again out of line, these are US laws and the need for enforcement is imperative. Any US judge should reject any foreign suites. The Mexicans would throw a fit if we told them how to run their country!

And remember, they enforce their laws about unlawful entry and employment into their country and their punishments are much greater than ours.


Dutch help refused.......AGAIN!!!


There is a radio interview here, listen to it. Pay attention at the end.

There are solutions and offers of help, the Obam a administration needs to get out of the way.

The bigger the government allows the "CRISIS" to get, the more power they hope to take.

When the buck stops with POTUS people lose | Utah Tenth Amendment Center

When the buck stops with POTUS people lose | Utah Tenth Amendment Center

Too Much Government in the Gulf

Too Much Government in the Gulf

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Tea Party to Nowhere

I have felt for years the need to get our military home. We are not the worlds policemen. We have plenty of threats within our borders that need to be addressed. Politicians never learn, Afghanistan is today's Vietnam.

A Tea Party to Nowhere